Welcome To Kindergarten...

August 03, 2016

It's hard to believe, but we officially have a kindergartner in this house! As you can see from the picture below, we also have a toddler that wants to be just like his big bro, ha...

(ignore that these are all junk cell phone pics -- I really need to start using my good camera again)

Sigh...What happened to my baby?! When did my baby Sam get big enough to be in KINDERGARTEN?! Time goes way too fast...

By just looking at this picture, it's clear to see that he was excited that day! He's so thrilled to tell people that he's NOW in kindergarten! Sam's also really looking forward to all the games and experiments that we have planned, not to mention all the fun trips we plan to go on! The legit desk work isn't as thrilling, but that'll come with time. Nevertheless, it's fun seeing how happy he is about starting school.

As I write this, we're 2 1/2 weeks into the start of our first year officially homeschooling (and reporting to the state!). We're definitely still trying to find our groove. Due to such a crazy summer and then a delay from the vendor with receiving some of our curriculum, I have yet to really sit down and do long term lesson planning. I still want to set goals for where I want Sam to be down the road and what I expect for us to knock out each quarter, etc. Right now, it's been on a week-to-week basis, or even nightly on some things. We've been flooded with information about all sorts of awesome field trips coming up between our homeschool co-op, our charter school, and our other homeschool group -- I hope to be able to incorporate what we're going to experience hands-on through our field trips with our daily lessons. I suppose that's the beauty of homeschooling! I love the flexibility! Hopefully as things become more routine in the coming weeks, I can have a better idea on everything. I feel like at this point, we're testing the waters with a large variety of curriculum and seeing what works vs. what doesn't.

Be sure to continue on to 2016-2017 Kindergarten Curriculum Overview - Part 1... for an overview of our curriculum choices for the year!

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