We love the Spangler Science Club!

September 28, 2017

So, I think I've mentioned it before, but if I haven't...I just have to say...

Fun Science Experiements Every Month

We LOVE Steve Spangler!!!

Not only are his videos fun, but his monthly STEM kits are awesome! We first heard about them last year while my son was in kindergarten. Even though he was technically younger than the recommended age, we still decided to order them and test them out. Sure enough, he was able to work through the experiments easily and had a ton of fun! They're the perfect addition whether you homeschool or not. I personally add them to our weekly lesson plans since we homeschool, but I think they'd be perfect for an after-school activity, too!

Each month is a different theme and if you do the STEM Deluxe Kit like we do, it comes with 10+ experiments along with the experiment guide that allows the child to write down their findings and answer various questions about what they've learned. I love that each kit also includes everything you'll need minus a couple basic household items that you most likely already have in the house -- vinegar, dish soap, etc. It makes it so easy to just open and go! The themes we've received so far have all been fun -- my son gets excited every time one comes in the mail and can't wait to check out the new theme!

I also have to add...their customer service is awesome! One of our kits included a glass bottle that unfortunately didn't survive the USPS. When we brought the box in from the mailbox, it had tiny shards of glass falling out all over the place. Upon opening the kit, I realized there was no hope for using that kit. I contacted their customer service and received a response almost immediately. I didn't have all our account information at the time, but without hesitation, they mailed out a new box the next day. The rep also personally ensured that she would pack the new bottle extra well and asked that we let her know if it arrives safely. Sure enough, the package arrived and there was no wiggle room for that bottle. That little experience with their customer service team made me love them even more, ha!

With that said, here's a little peak at what it looks like at our house when we use the kit...

Normally, it's just Sam working on the experiments, but Sweet Caleb decided he wanted to join us this time. So I found an extra pair of safety glasses (safety first, right?!), and he excitedly participated in the fun!

Here are my two little scientists...
I really need to get better at pulling my good camera out instead of relying on this old cell phone...

These guys were beyond excited to break out the kit!

Here is a short video -- I will forewarn you...I didn't think to take a video until we had already started, so this is a glimpse into the middle of the process, ha. It also gives you an idea of what it's like working with a 6 and 3 year old, haha. ;)

After completing the experiment, Sam worked on his experiment guide where he recorded his observations. It's a double win for me since it asks that he write a few sentences. The act of writing is Sam's arch-nemesis at the moment, but for Steve Spangler...he'll do anything, ha!

I highly recommend checking it out! Also, if you haven't already, check out Steve Spangler's Facebook page! He always posts fun videos that my boys have fun watching -- not to mention great ideas for ways to incorporate fun into our science lessons...

If you decide to try it out, be sure to use the code in the banner below for a discount...

Save 40% Off Your First Box at Steve Spangler Science

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