New *FREE* Math Printable With The HULK!

March 09, 2018

I don't know about you, but if I add my sons' favorite characters to something educational, they're TOTALLY into it! It can make something that may seem kind of boring into an activity that they can't wait to do. I suppose that partly has to do with their age, but regardless, I'll do it if it works!

My 3 year old has been asking for awhile to join us for "school." I usually just give him a blank sheet of paper and crayons and let him go to town. That, or I'll give him educational toys to play with. (I'll blog on those toys later.) However, he's been really wanting to do "real" school just like brother. So, I took something that I had printed for Sam a couple years ago and adjusted it into something I knew Caleb would love -- The Incredible HULK! When I gave it to him, he literally squealed in excitement and started jumping up and down! (I really need to start recording a video before these instances. His reactions are priceless, ha.)

After taking this picture, he immediately ran to his brother and said, "Look, bruh-her! Now, I have school, too!!!" Sweet boy! He's not quite there yet on adding or even complete number recognition, but he was still super excited to try it out. I put it in a sheet protector, gave him the big dice, and he immediately started to work on his "school," ha. 

He mostly knows how to count to 20 -- sometimes skipping a number or two, so he could count the dice and scribble something down on the paper. However, he hasn't learned how to write them yet and I'm in no rush just yet to teach him. Either way, he's enjoying his new activity! He has now requested that I make some with Spiderman on them, haha. I guess I know what direction we'll be taking with his schoolwork, ha.

If your child loves The Incredible Hulk and you think they might enjoy this activity, please feel free to use it! Just click on the image below and it will send you to the free pdf file...

**If you would like to share these with others, please link them back to this blog, not the pdf file itself.**

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  1. Nice! Pinning this to my geekschooling board.

  2. Mark Ruffalo is my favorite character. ;) This printable is too cute; pinning it to my homeschool board.

    1. Thanks! He's one of my favs, too. They casted him well. :)

  3. Awesome! Always looking for ways to make math more enjoyable.

  4. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing! :)
