2018-2019 Homeschool Planner Choices... - Our Crazy Homeschool Life

2018-2019 Homeschool Planner Choices...

June 21, 2018

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Have you started planning for the new school year? Part of me wants to hold off until August, but then I'll be rushing to figure it all out before we start. Who wants to do that?! I'm so impressed by those I see online that have already bought all their curriculum and have started planning their lessons. So impressed!

So with talking about planning for the next school year, I thought I would share my updated planners and a few others that I love!

Have you bought your new school planner? Or do you even use one? Each and every homeschool is different. I personally like to have everything written down in an organized fashion. Not only does it help keep me on track, but I like to have it on hand if I ever need to look back and reference what we did.

Back when we first started homeschooling (2 years ago), I didn't find a specific planner that I was totally sold on. They were either way out of the price range that I was willing to pay, or the format wasn't right. This resulted in me deciding to go ahead and create my own. I love being able to customize it to fit exactly what I need. Plus, it has been very cost efficient! What doesn't love that?!

Here's the one I used over the last year and loved it!

I have since shared the ones that I've created on both Etsy and Teachers Pay Teachers. I'm so glad others have been able to enjoy them, too! Here are a few of the new ones I made -- now to decide on which one I'll actually use...

If there's one that you find that you like, I'd love to customize it for you!

These two are the same design as mine from last year, but a new color scheme...

As well as these two...

And for those that would rather buy a pre-printed, designed, complete planner, definitely check out Erin Condren! Her planners are beautiful and have EVERYTHING you could possibly think of wanting in a planner. If I were to buy one, I'd definitely choose one of these...




If you use a different kind of planner, what's your favorite?! I'd love to hear about other fun options!

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